Youth Movie Night




All youth are invited to watch a movie on Friday, March 28th starting at 8 PM. 


We will be showing Facing the Giants. "After six consecutive losing seasons, high school football coach Grant Taylor believes things can't get any worse. He's wrong. With fear and failure defeating him in football and in life, the downtrodden coach and husband turns to God in desperation. Trusting that God can somehow do the impossible, Coach Taylor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon discover how faith plays out on the field...and off!"


We will provide popcorn and candy. We ask you to bring a comfortable chair to sit on in Pickell and a drink.


Our Youth program serves grades 6th through 12th and consists of regular youth group meetings throughout the school year on Sunday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 PM for dinner, bible study, games and fellowship.



Join the youth for an hour of ice skating.


Kids Stuff is for children in 3rd through 5th grade.  Your kids are going to have such a great time at this event!


All youth are invited for a fun night of watching Facing the Giants together.